How to hide infantry units and officers
The closer the enemy gets, the easier his units can be hit. Infantry and ranking officers may hide behind cover, in woods, houses or even in hills. To do so, they have to spend one action.They are then marked with a hide token. These units may use an action to unhide and another one to shoot.
Hiding infantry cannot actively engage the enemy without unhiding. Also hidden units may only be spotted by units that are in close range.
Special rule: Snipers may ignore hide tokens, spot hiding units also from far and medium range and shoot at them if spotted successfully.
How to ambush enemy units
AT and AA guns may try to ambush enemy units in order to strike first. When in ambush mode, these units may only be revealed and attacked from super close range. They are marked with an ambush token before the game starts. As soon as these units have been activated once they will loose their ambush token.
Note: AT and AA guns may not go on ambush mode during a game.