Vehicles running over support weapons and infantry
All vehicles bigger than motorcycles may try to run over multiple infantry units in their path without having to stop. Targeted Infantry units may roll 2D6 in an attempt to evade. If the roll is 8 or lower, the unit jumps out of harm’s way. Check for morale by rolling 2D6. Every roll 9 or higher kills the infantry unit. The cost of the infantry unit is put on the enemy combat score.
Also, all vehicles bigger than cars may try to ram enemy support weapons. An attack roll of 8 or higher on 2D6 destroys the support weapon and adds their point value to the enemy combat score. Every crew member may try to evade. Crew members are handled like infantry in the game mechanics.
After ramming a support weapon, succesfully or not, softskin vehicles are broken for the rest of the game. Their cost is added to the enemy combat score. Armored vehicles have to stop after ramming the support weapon and may be activated next turn.