How to throw grenades
If a soldier carries any kind of grenade, he may use one of his actions to throw the grenade at a target. Roll 4D6 to see if the target square is hit. Hand grenades have a limited range. The maximum range of throwing a grenade on point is 25cm /10 in which equals about 35 metres/115 feet in 20mm scale. Targets within 5cm / 2in are hit automatically.
Grenades may be hurled in vehicles, vehicle hatches, windows and over open top cover.
Aim/accuracy rolls and range bands grenades:
Table accuracy roll grenades
Distance | Needed roll (4D6) |
less or equal 5cm / 2in | Auto hit |
5 to 10cm / 2 to 4in | 18 or lower |
10 to 15cm / 4 to 6in | 16 or lower |
15 to 20cm / 6 to 8in | 14 or lower |
20 to 25cm / 8 to 10in | 12 or lower |
Grenade drift
If misplaced, the grenade will drift and may even hurt friendly troops. Drift distance is determined by rolling 1D6. Roll 8D6 to determine drift direction. The drift direction table is the same for all
Table drift distance grenades
Roll (1D6) | Drift distance |
1,2 | 5cm / 2in |
3,4 | 10cm / 4in |
5,6 | 15cm / 6in |
Table drift direction hand grenades, mortar & artillery
Roll (8D6) | Drift direction |
8,16,24,32,40 | North |
9,17,25,33,41 | Northeast |
10,18,26,34,42 | East |
11,19,27,35,43 | Southeast |
12,20,28,36,44 | South |
13,21,29,37,45 | Southwest |
14,22,30,38,46 | West |
15,23,31,39,47 | Northwest |
48 | Reroll |
Anti personnel grenades
Anti-personnel grenades have a HE value that has an effect on all soldiers in the blast radius. If the square is hit, all soldiers have to check if they are hit. To do so roll 4D6. The outcome has to be below or a match to the HE value of the grenade. Then roll for the hit’s effect. Units that have been hit have to pass a morale check.
Throwing antipersonnel grenades in vehicles and bunkers
Soldiers can drop a grenade in the hatch of an AFV or try to hit the open top of a vehicle. Roll 4D6 to see if the attempt was successful.
To hit an open top vehicle that is currently standing still, the accuracy roll for throwing grenades in general applies. A vehicle stands still as long as it did not move during the current turn.
Table accuracy roll grenades
Distance | Needed roll (4D6) |
less or equal 5cm / 2in | Auto hit |
5 to 10cm / 2 to 4in | 18 or lower |
10 to 15cm / 4 to 6in | 16 or lower |
15 to 20cm / 6 to 8in | 14 or lower |
20 to 25cm / 8 to 10in | 12 or lower |
To hit an open top vehicle that has been on the move use the following table.
Table accuracy roll for throwing grenades in open top vehicles
Distance | Needed roll (4D6) |
less or equal 5cm / 2in | 14 or lower |
5 to 10cm / 2 to 4in | 12 or lower |
10 to 15cm / 4 to 6in | 10 or lower |
15 to 20cm / 6 to 8in | 8 or lower |
20 to 25cm / 8 to 10in | 6 or lower |
Far more difficult it is for soldiers to run up to a tank, open a hatch and drop a grenade into the vehicle. For that purpose the soldier with the grenade has to be in single move distance (equal or below 10cm / 4in) of the targeted armored vehicle. The further the soldier will have to run the more exhausted and stressed he will be. Also, the targeted vehicle has to stand still. A vehicle stands still as long as it did not move during the current turn. To drop a grenade into an AFV standing still use the following table.
Table accuracy roll for dropping a grenade into an AFV that is standing still
Distance | Needed roll (4D6) |
less or equal 5cm / 2in | 12 |
5 to 10cm / 2 to 4in | 10 |
Optional rule for dropping grenades into AFVs – grenade bouncing: If the soldier has not hit the hatch, roll 2D6. If 6 or lower, the grenade bounces right back at the soldier’s feet. Roll 2D6 to check the effect on the soldier and another 2D6 for a morale check afterwards.
Note: The rules for throwing an anti personnel grenade in AFVs with closed tops also apply to throwing grenades in bunkers.
Smoke grenades
Smoke grenades work like anti-personnel grenades, except they conceal friendly units instead of harming enemy units. Once placed, the smoke covers an area of about 15 x 15cm / 6 x 6in. Place smoke markers accordingly. The effect of smoke grenades lasts for 3 turns. Mark the number of turns the effect is already lasting with a token or die.
Units hiding in/behind smoke can hardly be seen. Attackers may fire at a penalty of -5 on each attack roll into the smoke.
AT Grenades and satchel charges
AT Grenades and satchel charges are heavier than anti-personnel or smoke grenades. Therefore, their range is even more limited. When misplaced, roll for grenade drift. When the target is hit, the attack roll determines if the enemy armored unit is penetrated.
The roll on 4D6 has to match or be below the AP value of the grenade satchel charge. After that, the effects on the vehicle (see AP vs. AFVs) and the morale of the crew have to be determined (see chapter morale checks).
Table accuracy roll AT grenades and satchel charges
Distance | Needed roll (4D6) |
less or equal 5 cm / 2in | Auto hit |
5cm to 10cm / 2 to 4in | 14 |
10cm to 15cm / 4 to 6in | 12 |
Like other weapons with HE value, AT grenades and satchel charges may also be used in order to destroy enemy structures.
The grenade is well placed and goes off…
When placed successfully, the grenade goes off. No attack roll is needed to see if the crew members or passengers were hit. Simply because it is highly unlikely for a grenade to not have an effect on passengers or crew member in such close quarters. Roll 2D6 for effect on each crew member or passenger. All crew members still alive have to pass a morale check. To perform a morale check roll 2D6. Effects on crew members are played cumulatively and are not attributed individually. This means you roll 2D6 until you have reached the number of crew members possibly effected. Every two injury tokens lead to a death of one crew member. Every two suppressed tokens will make one crew member surrender. And so on.
Additionally, when the open top or inside of a vehicle is hit by a grenade, roll 2D6 for effect and check the table for HE vs. softskin vehicles. This is the only time this table will also apply to armored vehicles. Because on the inside both types of vehicles are soft so to say.