How to protect units & take cover

Rules for Miniature Wargaming

How to protect your units & take cover!

Soldiers, support weapons and vehicles may take cover in or behind structures. Cover offers protection from enemy rounds and a boost in morale.

Take cover

Cover level Penalty attacker Morale bonus unit in cover
Soft -1 +1
Medium -2 +2
Hard -3 +3
  • Hills and wooden structures, such as buildings and trees, also gun shields offer soft cover.
  • Stone structures and sandbags offer medium cover.
  • Bunkers are the only structures that offer hard cover.

Cover bonuses may add up. P.e. When a unit is behind sandbags (medium cover) located on a hill (soft cover) it will receive a cover bonus of 3. So every enemy unit firing at the unit in cover will suffer a penalty of -3 on every attack roll.

  • Units firing at a target in soft cover will suffer a -1 on every attack roll.
  • Units firing at a target in medium cover will suffer a penalty of -2 on every attack roll.
  • Units firing at a target in hard cover will suffer a penalty of -3 on every attack roll.
  • Units in soft cover gain a morale boost of +1
  • Units in medium cover gain a morale boost of +2
  • Units in hard cover gain a morale boost of +3


  • Vehicles or wrecks may be used as cover. Softskin wrecks or vehicles grant soft cover while armored vehicles grant medium cover.
  • Burning wrecks or vehicles may not be used as direct cover but block line of sight.

Taking cover in buildings

A sniper is taking cover in a stone building. The stone building offers medium cover. Each attacker will suffer a -2 when attacking the sniper. At the same time the sniper is on the 2nd floor of the building and will gain a +1 elevation bonus on every attack. Also, he will gain a +2 on every morale check he has to pass.

  • Infantry in buildings will be harder to spot and receive a bonus on cover (depending on cover level), morale (depending on cover level) and melee (+1).
  • One support weapon (a medium machine gun p e.) or 2 handheld weapons (a carbine and a submachine gun p.e ) may fire from one single window.
  • Also, when at least on the 2nd floor, units will receive an elevation bonus of +1 on every attack roll
  • AFVs may also try to take cover beside or in buildings. (See AFVs breaking through structures)<

Taking cover in buildings

A sniper is taking cover in a stone building. The stone building offers medium cover. Each attacker will suffer a -2 when attacking the sniper. At the same time the sniper is on the 2nd floor of the building and will gain a +1 elevation bonus on every attack. Also, he will gain a +2 on every morale check he has to pass.

  • Infantry in buildings will be harder to spot and receive a bonus on cover (depending on cover level), morale (depending on cover level) and melee (+1).
  • One support weapon (a medium machine gun p e.) or 2 handheld weapons (a carbine and a submachine gun p.e ) may fire from one single window.
  • Also, when at least on the 2nd floor, units will receive an elevation bonus of +1 on every attack roll
  • AFVs may also try to take cover beside or in buildings. (See AFVs breaking through structures)

Creating additional cover for AFVs

AFVs may seek additional cover in woods, buildings, on hills or behind walls. The cover level is added to the armor of each AFV. So when a tank has 4 armor on the left side and the side is covered by a stone building, the tank will have an armor level of 6 (4 armor +2 hard cover). AFVs may even try to take additional cover by breaking into wooden and stone buildings.

This German Pz38t is taking additional cover in a stone building. He will add a +2 on his side, rear and top armor. The armor level for the front will stay the same.